5 Healthy Morning Habits

If you adopt the following morning habits, you will be ready for the day that awaits you. 
5 healthy morning habits

Morning habits are more important than you think. They set the tone and rhythm of the whole day. That is why it is good to adopt healthy morning habits.

After you wake up, you need to get your body moving so that you can successfully complete all the tasks of the day. Despite what many people feel, the day does not start with the first sip of coffee, but in bed. When you lie down after waking up, you “activate” your whole body, giving it strength and energy . In addition, this habit helps to calm muscle tension and reduce the feeling of numbness.

In the following we present you five morning habits that will help you start your day right. They give you energy and are beneficial to the body.

Healthy morning habits

1. Massage the ears

Massage your ears on the list of healthy morning habits

At the level of the ears are located many nerves connected to the rest of the body. That is why ear massage is on the list of healthy morning habits.

If you lightly massage your ears after waking up, you prepare your body for daytime activities. A quick massage improves your circulation and helps you wake up.

2. A glass of water with lemon

When it comes to healthy morning habits, hydration occupies a leading position. After so many hours of not drinking anything, the body needs fluids to activate its functions.

In the morning, it is recommended to replace the coffee cup with a glass of warm water with lemon. This drink improves digestion and helps the liver and intestines to function properly by restoring the intestinal flora.

At the same time, warm water with lemon eliminates toxins and strengthens the immune system, improving the general health of the body.

Squeeze half or a quarter of a lemon in a glass of warm water and drink the mixture 20-30 minutes before breakfast.

3. Cleaning the tongue

Cleaning the tongue on the list of healthy morning habits

We all know from an early age that it is good to brush our teeth two to three times a day to keep our oral health in optimal condition. But another step that should never be missed when brushing your teeth in the morning is cleaning your tongue.

Many bacteria accumulate on the surface of the tongue during the night, which causes an unpleasant odor. These microorganisms can lead to the formation of dental tartar, the appearance of cavities and the development of gum disease.

4. A tablespoon of honey

Bee honey has many beneficial properties. Being rich in vitamins and minerals, it stimulates memory, relieves flu and cold symptoms, cough and allergies.

To stimulate your memory, take a tablespoon of honey every  10-15 minutes before breakfast.

It is also important to choose fresh and natural honey. If it is too sweet, you can mix it with warm water or milk. The effect is the same. Many people even choose to sweeten their first cup of coffee with a tablespoon of honey.

5. Rinse mouth with hydrogen peroxide

Healthy morning habits such as rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide

In addition to brushing your teeth and cleaning your tongue, the list of healthy morning habits for oral hygiene also includes rinsing your mouth with a solution based on hydrogen peroxide.

Add five to seven drops of hydrogen peroxide to a cup of water and rinse your mouth with the mixture. This solution whitens teeth, eliminates bad breath and prevents or relieves certain gum diseases.

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