5 Factors That Inhibit The Burning Of Abdominal Fat

To get rid of abdominal fat, avoid mistakes that make this process difficult or even cause weight gain.
5 factors that inhibit the burning of abdominal fat

Sometimes neither exercise nor strict diets seem to help you lose weight. If you find yourself in this situation, read on to find out the main factors that prevent you from achieving your goal. Burning abdominal fat is much easier than you think!

Don’t worry, because most of the problems that inhibit weight loss are reversible. To do this, all you have to do is vary and improve your diet. At the same time, you need a more complex exercise routine. It’s really simple!

1. You do not have an adequate intake of protein

Meeting your daily protein needs is an important step to being healthy. In addition, this measure supports the burning of abdominal fat. Feel free to include the following foods in your daily diet:

  • Over
  • chicken
  • Turkey
  • vegetables
  • Legume

Another important measure is to reduce your intake of protein obtained from red meat and cheese.

2. You are not moving optimally

Exercises that support the burning of abdominal fat

Exercise is always beneficial, but there are certain special exercises to stimulate the burning of abdominal fat. It is best to change your cardiovascular exercise routine to one based on weight training.

The imaginary bicycle

  • The imaginary bike helps you develop your abdominal muscles and oblique muscles.
  • To perform this exercise, lie on your back and put your hands under your head.
  • Then he lifted his knees to his chest and his shoulders off the floor.
  • Move your legs slightly as if you were pedaling a bicycle.

The Russian twist

Burning abdominal fat through exertion

This exercise trains the abdomen (especially the oblique muscles) and can help you achieve your dream waist.

  • To take full advantage of this exercise, use a weight or a dumbbell. This trick increases muscle tension in the target region.

Fitness ball

To train your abdomen, you can use the famous fitness ball. Training with this accessory offers you special benefits because the fitness ball stabilizes the torso, increasing the difficulty of the exercises.

  • Put the fitness ball under the lumbar region, lean completely on it and put your hands under your head.
  • To lift your torso off the ball, tighten your abdominal muscles to lift your lower chest toward your thighs.
  • Then you will need to keep the ball stable while contracting your abdominal muscles.

Oblique abdomen

The movement for burning abdominal fat
  • Lie on the floor with your legs up and your knees crossed. Put your hands behind your head for support.
  • To perform this exercise, one of the legs must be on top of the other. Thus, the sides of the abdominal muscles will be more stressed during training.

3. Autoimmune diseases inhibit the burning of abdominal fat

Often the inability to burn abdominal fat is related to the immune system. It is essential to understand what is happening to you.

Autoimmune diseases require treatment with corticosteroids, including prednisone and cortisone. Unfortunately, these drugs lead to the deposition of fat in the abdomen.

If you suffer from an autoimmune disease and fail to thin your waist, keep in mind that the medications you take are the cause of the problem. Most likely, you will be able to burn the extra fat after finishing the treatment.

4. Eat only light foods

Foods that support the burning of abdominal fat

You may feel that heavy foods are causing you problems. If you eat only low-fat foods, you will not be able to thin your waist — on the contrary!

Remember, low-fat foods tend to be very high in sugar, which is one of the main causes of abdominal fat deposition.

5. Skip the breakfast

In general, it is not good to skip any meal, but the consequences you are exposed to when skipping breakfast are serious.

Breakfast is a very important meal – it can either make or break your day. If you skip it, your metabolism slows down, which triggers the deposition of fat in your abdomen.

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