5 Exercises For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Did you know that stretching and applying heat to your wrist can help reduce the pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome?
5 exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome

The pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome can have several causes. Constant movement of the joint can lead to inflammation, usually after excessive use of the computer. In the following, we will present you the most effective exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome. You can easily perform them at home to prevent this inflammation from becoming chronic.

Why does carpal tunnel syndrome occur?

Exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome

The cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is usually a combination of factors:

  • Continuous repetitive movements or positions of the hand and joint. For example, this happens when you use an electronic device, a musical instrument, a mouse or a mobile phone;
  • Tension or numbness in joints and tendons;
  • Tendency to develop inflammation due to genetic predisposition, wounds, etc .;
  • Acidic foods, such as processed foods, sugars and unhealthy fats.

Exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome

1. Stretches before, during and after using the joint

If you know that you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome due to maintaining the same position for a long time or repetitive movements, it is necessary to perform daily stretches.

Perform these exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome several times during the day. If possible, do this before, during and after using the joint.

  • The most important stretch is the stretching of the arm forward – horizontally – and the raising of the palms perpendicular to the plane of the body. This gesture is like the one you make when you show someone that they need to stop (stop sign). You will feel a slight discomfort in your arm and palm, which means that the exercise is performed correctly.

2. Movements and heating

After stretching the tendons, perform a slight warm-up to get rid of stiffness. You can do this with light movements that mimic all possible positions of the arm and palm.

Perform circular movements in the joint – in both directions – for about 1 minute. Try as much as possible to make complete circles with your fist. Otherwise, inflammation can limit your movements over time.

3. Warm massage after exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome

When you experience a sudden inflammation after a blow, for example, you can apply ice packs to relieve pain. However, when the inflammation is chronic, it is better to apply heat to the joint. You can relieve the pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome by warming the affected area.

An excellent way to achieve this is to perform a massage in the morning and evening. We recommend that you use olive or sesame oil for this operation. If you want, you can also add a few drops of ginger or cinnamon essential oil. You will immediately feel the effect of applying heat to the affected area.

4. Alternative showers

Hot and cold showers are an effective way to activate blood circulation in the body. This technique, used since antiquity in various forms, is used to reduce inflammation and pain.

How to make these alternative showers?

  • Use two basins, one with cold water and the other with hot water.
  • Immerse your palms and forearms, right up to your elbow if you wish, for 30 seconds in warm water. Then do the same for 15 seconds in the cold water basin.
  • Each such alternative shower session should last at least 3 minutes and should be repeated throughout the day.
  • Reduce the number of sessions as the pain goes away.

4. Mingi antistress

One of the best known exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome in physiotherapy is the use of anti-stress balls. The action by which the rubber or foam ball is squeezed in the hand helps to train the muscles and tendons that pass through the carpal tunnel.

As you regain your strength and mobility, you can start using another, denser and harder ball. This exercise is also beneficial for the finger muscles and improves the stiffness caused by carpal tunnel syndrome.

Surprisingly, these balls are great for reducing stress. This confirms that the nervous system can affect the tension in the arms and palms. That is why it is very important to discover other ways to relax while performing your tasks in everyday life.

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