5 Dietary Foods That Make You Fat

We have many tricks, tips and recipes to promote weight loss. But these strategies often do not work. In fact, certain dietary foods can make us fat without realizing it.
5 dietary foods that make you fat

Many people are constantly looking for new ways to lose weight. We do not lack tricks, tips and recipes that, in theory, should help us burn extra pounds or maintain our current weight. But they do not always work. Unfortunately, there are diet foods that make us fat without realizing it.

The foods we should avoid at all costs are cookies, candy, high-fat foods and chocolate pralines, among others. People who consume them daily have an increased risk of obesity. The problem is that many foods considered dietary actually support weight gain.

In today’s article, we present five seemingly dietary foods that make you fat.

Healthy diets for weight loss

When it comes to losing weight, the first thing you need to do is eliminate sources of processed fats, desserts, soft drinks and sweets from your diet. Instead, opt for healthy foods.

But foods that are considered healthy are not always like that. Some of these cause as much damage as white flour or sugar.

Nutritionist Amelia Winslow talks on her blog about those foods that have traditionally been considered allies in the fight against extra pounds, but which actually have the opposite effect. All these products are false friends of diets.

The main dietary foods that make you fat

1. Diet drinks

Beverages that fall into the category of dietary foods that make you fat

Researchers suspect that when we eat or drink something sweet, our body expects to receive a dose of calories. If the sweet drinks we consume do not contain calories, the body’s reaction is to slow down the metabolism. Thus, the body blocks the burning of fat.

What should you eat instead of diet drinks? The best option is water. At the same time, you can enjoy iced teas without sugar, water with lemon or other healthy infusions.

2. Degreased foods

Studies show that people who buy low-fat foods tend to eat 30% more than usual. Therefore, these foods do not help them lose weight because they overeat.

For this reason, it is important to carefully monitor the portions of healthy foods you serve and to avoid defatted products. The most important thing is to control the portion size.

3. Flavored yogurts

Fruit yogurts that fall into the category of dietary foods that make you fat

Many people have the impression that any type of yogurt supports digestion due to its content of beneficial bacteria. This idea is not completely wrong, but it is best to opt for natural yogurts.

The flavored ones are sweetened with a lot of sugar or corn syrup. A healthy alternative to these products is to combine plain yogurt with fresh fruit.

4. Packaged fruits

When the fruits are packed, the producers know that they will not last long on supermarket shelves. So they add fructose-enriched corn syrup to enhance the taste of the fruit and increase its shelf life.

We advise you to eat only fresh, seasonal fruits.

5. Drinks for athletes

Woman drinking a sports drink while jogging

Most famous athletes consume such drinks, which is why we have the impression that they are healthy. In reality, however, drinks for athletes are only sugar water, a combination that increases calorie intake.

These products are recommended for people who put a lot of physical effort because they can replace the sugars lost during training. But they are not indicated if you do not practice a performance sport.

Useful tips to lose weight easier

As you can see, the five diet foods listed above can make you fat. To help you reach your goal, here are some helpful tips before adopting a weight loss diet:

  • There are no “fat burners”: Products, foods and dietary supplements can only be individual components of a low-calorie diet. This means that their effectiveness depends on how well the diet is developed and customized.
  • Say yes to carbohydrates: The human body needs carbohydrates, even when following a diet to lose weight. The most beneficial sources are whole grains, which also provide fiber, among others.
  • Fats are also needed, but they must be of good quality: We need fats in moderation. Do not hesitate to use olive oil when preparing salads and any other dishes. Following a diet does not mean that you cannot enjoy what you eat. In addition, olive oil is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, D and E.
  • Dinner is not an enemy: Just as we have to start the day right, we have to end it the same way. Dinner is important because while we sleep, we spend about eight hours eating nothing. But the body continues to need energy even when we rest.


Remember, in addition to reducing your calorie intake, you need to burn the ingested ones in order to lose weight. This does not mean that you have to go to the gym or start practicing a performance sport. Just start walking more often, climb stairs instead of taking the elevator or get involved in hiking.

One thing is clear: you can’t lose weight if you sit on the couch all day. The body needs movement, and exercise will allow us to eat a little more during the diet.

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