5 Core Values ​​for A Relationship To Work

There are some basic values ​​that every relationship needs to have in order for it to work well. Without them, the relationship will be destroyed over time.

For a love affair to work well, communication and a common life plan are important. But we must not forget those core values ​​that must exist for a relationship to work.

If the basic values ​​are not shared, the feeling of unhappiness does not appear quickly. While it is true that the ones we will mention should exist in all relationships, there are always exceptions. There are no identical relationships.

5 basic values ​​for a working relationship

Something very important and what the psychologist Silvia Congost claims is that, in a couple relationship, the most important values ​​must coincide. For example, fidelity or respect. In fact, there are values ​​that are not negotiable. When they are not shared, the relationship must end.

1. Love

Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? One of the values ​​needed for a relationship to work is love.

This does not always happen. Sometimes there is emotional dependence or the relationship begins to make the ex-partner jealous. Sometimes the other person is used.

Also, no matter what problems may arise, love will still be there. But, of course, it must be true love, not another cause that is clothed or disguised in love.

2. Respect

Another value needed for a relationship to work is respect. We may argue, communicate something our partner doesn’t like, or get angry. But in none of these cases should we be disrespectful.

Criticizing, insulting or making fun of us does not mean respecting our partner. This, in time, will end the relationship.

Couple support and respect support long-term relationships.

3. Support

Although family and friends are a great support, so should the person we have chosen as a partner. We should feel that it is there, no matter what decisions we make about our own lives.

For example, imagine that we decide to invest in a project or change our job and we are not doing well. Our partner should support us before and after the result. We obviously have to do the same.

4. Generosity

Generosity is one of the core values ​​that should be present in any relationship that works well. There must be a balanced sharing. In a relationship, both people must give and receive.

5. Communication

One of the last core values ​​for a successful relationship is communication. But not every kind of communication will help us. The only useful one is the assertive one, in which we will politely express what we like and what we don’t like, what we think and what we think about a fact, a decision or a way of acting.

An example of assertive communication within the couple: if we are bothered by the fact that the other person is late for meetings, we will tell them that we know that they do not do it intentionally, but we are bothered. Assertive communication is healthy.

Assertive communication lays the groundwork for a better married life.

Core values ​​for a relationship: other tips

The truth is that discovering the core values ​​that a successful relationship should have is very helpful. But what other tips should we consider? Trust is basic. In fact, if we do not trust the person next to us, why continue our relationship with him? It does not make any sense.

Communication is essential to clarify the values ​​that can be negotiated. For example, fidelity. Many couples have open relationships or in which they can meet other people in a romantic way. It is important to discuss these topics to see if your values ​​match.

Another tip for a successful relationship is admiration for the other person. This is something we can’t force, so if we don’t admire our partner, we should start thinking about whether we should continue the relationship.

Now that we know all this, it can be a great opportunity to reflect on our relationship as a couple.

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