40 Medicinal Benefits Of Basil

Although it is mainly used for cooking and fragrance, basil also has excellent medicinal properties. Find out what they are and don’t hesitate to use them to improve your body’s health. 
40 medicinal benefits of basil

Basil is known for its aromatic properties, which many chefs capitalize on in their recipes. Due to its special aroma, this plant offers an extra flavor to many dishes, such as pizza, pasta, snacks, salads. But we must not forget the wonderful medicinal benefits of basil.

In this article, we present 40 incredible benefits offered by this plant. You can use basil as a natural remedy for digestive, nervous or immunological disorders. In addition, this plant can be used as a treatment for beauty or weight loss!

What is basil?

Medicinal benefits of basil eaten raw

Basil ( Ocimum basilicum ) is an aromatic medicinal plant native to Asian countries, such as India, Pakistan and Iran. It is grown in tropical climates and is very sensitive to low temperatures. Many peoples attribute various positive or negative meanings to it.

When cooking, basil is generally used raw to preserve its color and flavor. Its taste combines excellently with that of other aromatic herbs, such as thyme and rosemary and is suitable with many foods and dishes: meat, fish, vegetables, sauces, soups, cheeses, eggs, gazpacho, etc. In addition, this ingredient is also used in the preparation of pesto sauce!

Basil is generally consumed as an ingredient in food, but there are also supplements in the form of pills, tablets or extracts. In addition, you can prepare an infusion of fresh or dried leaves.

In the refrigerator, the basil does not last more than a few days. If you want to preserve it, put it in a bottle, add a pinch of salt and cover it with olive oil. In this way, the plant will always be ready to be used.

Medicinal benefits of basil

In the following, you can discover 40 medicinal benefits of basil grouped into several categories.

For the digestive system

Basil is an aromatic plant that helps digestion, prevents and relieves various diseases. Specifically, this remedy:

  • It facilitates difficult digestion.
  • Prevents intestinal gas and bloating.
  • Prevents bad breath.
  • Fight vomiting.
  • Stimulates appetite.

For the nervous system

Basil also helps fight imbalances associated with the nervous system.

  • This plant strengthens the nervous system.
  • Its relaxing effects combat stress and anxiety.
  • Basil calms the nerves in the stomach. 
  • Fights insomnia.
  • Helps treat mild depression.
  • Reduces physical and mental fatigue.

For the immune system

Medicinal benefits of basil in the kitchen

As already mentioned, there are medicinal benefits of basil and for the immune system, which provides support in the fight against disease. This plant:

  • Helps eliminate toxins and cleanses the blood.
  • Prevents flu and cold due to its antimicrobial properties.
  • Fever decreases.
  • It has antifungal properties that prevent infections.
  • It is a natural anti-inflammatory.
  • It can act as an analgesic, relieving headaches, teeth and menstrual cramps.
  • Treat cough.
  • Prevents intestinal parasites.
  • It treats respiratory conditions such as pharyngitis, asthma and bronchitis.
  • Relieves constipation.

For detoxifying the body and losing weight

Basil should not be missing from any detoxifying diet or diet, because:

  • Its diuretic properties combat water retention.
  • It helps to satisfy satiety, which helps you eat less without getting hungry.
  • It is a good remedy for nervous eating.
  • Helps eliminate kidney stones.
  • Its stimulating properties fight fatigue and stimulate calorie burning.
  • Fights abdominal distension.

Beauty remedy

Medicinal benefits of basil such as treating acne

Basil also has lesser known uses, as it is beneficial for hair and skin health:

  • Its antioxidant properties help prevent premature aging.
  • Fights hair loss and strengthens hair follicles.
  • Treats acne.
  • Helps heal wounds.
  • Whiten your teeth.

Other beneficial properties of basil

Here are other medicinal benefits of basil that we advise you to consider. This plant:

  • Improves circulation and cardiovascular health: fights hypertension and high cholesterol.
  • Improves memory and mental abilities.
  • Regulates blood sugar and prevents diabetes and insulin resistance.
  • In the case of breastfeeding women, basil stimulates the secretion of milk.
  • Prevents vertigo.
  • Treat canker sores.
  • It is a natural repellent for mosquitoes.
  • Improves vision.

All the 40 medicinal benefits of basil presented above prove that it is a healthy food that is worth eating daily to capitalize on its incredible properties!

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