4 Ways To Consume Green Tea Infusion

Are you bored of the classic cup of hot green tea? Do not hesitate to try the following unique recipes!
4 ways to consume green tea infusion

Nowadays,  green tea infusion is not only “fashionable”, but has become an almost essential drink. Many of us drink this type of tea every day. We order it when we go to a restaurant or cafe, but we can also prepare it at home.

Obviously, green tea offers many benefits to the body. Of these, the most famous is certainly its fat burning effect. For this reason, green tea has become an indispensable drink for those who want to lose weight.

But its beneficial properties are much more numerous. Green tea is a good substitute for coffee, the theine in its composition being milder and offering a longer lasting effect than caffeine. In addition, this drink is rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

Unfortunately, regular consumption of plain green tea can become dull. In time, we may fall prey to the temptation to replace it with tastier drinks. To avoid this mistake, we advise you to try with confidence the delicious recipes below.

How to prepare the infusion of green tea

Simple green tea is very easy to prepare

We will start by introducing you to the traditional way of making green tea. If you are not used to drinking this drink, we advise you to start with the following simple recipe.


  • 2 cups (500 ml) of water
  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) of green tea


  • Start by heating the water. It should not reach boiling point, so take it off the heat before it boils.
  • Add the green tea leaves and let it infuse for 3-5 minutes. Do not exceed this range, as the aroma of green tea can be unpleasant if it is too intense.
  • After removing the leaves, you can serve the prepared tea immediately. To get a more invigorating drink, add some ice cubes.

4 alternative ways to consume green tea

As soon as you get used to the basic way of preparing and consuming green tea, you can try various interesting combinations that offer you additional benefits.

1. Infusion of green tea with lemon

Among other things, green tea can be combined with lemon juice

This combination is incredible. Lemon is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C and is very useful for burning fat. So, green tea with lemon helps you lose weight and take care of your skin.

  • Simply include lemon juice in the basic recipe presented above.

2. Smoothie with avocado and green tea

Combining the natural energizing effect of green tea with healthy fats from avocado fruit, we will get a real super drink.

  • To make it, put half an avocado and half a cup of green tea in a food processor. Process these two ingredients and serve the resulting drink.
  • To make the most of the extra energy offered, drink this smoothie in the morning or at noon.

3. Green tea with chamomile and anise

If you suffer from digestive problems, the next drink will be very helpful. Chamomile has properties that facilitate digestion and relieve abdominal pain and heaviness. Anise is excellent for reducing inflammation.

Combining all these healthy ingredients, we get a medicinal drink that supports digestion and controls body weight.


  • 1 l of green tea
  • 1 tablespoon (10 g) of anise
  • 1 tablespoon (10 g) of chamomile


  • Heat the green tea. Before reaching the boiling point, add the anise and chamomile.
  • Remove from the heat and let it infuse for 5-10 minutes.
  • Serve the drink obtained immediately.

4. Green tea with mint

Many people love this infusion because of the invigorating effect of mint. At the same time, like green tea, ginger burns fat and activates metabolism.


  • 1 l of green tea
  • 1 tablespoon (10 g) mint
  • 1 small piece of ginger
  • 2 ice cubes

All you have to do is process all the ingredients with a food processor.

The best time of day to drink green tea

Green tea offers many incredible health benefits

Now that you have discovered several ways to consume green tea, we want to explain how you should drink it to take advantage of specific benefits.

If you want to lose weight…

Drink green tea 20 minutes before a meal, so that it starts to burn fat before it is absorbed by the body.

If you want to increase your protein and mineral levels…

It is best to drink green tea before each meal. When consumed in this way, it helps the body and stimulates the absorption of magnesium and vitamins C and E.

On an empty stomach…

Many of us have a habit of drinking coffee on an empty stomach. If you also fall into this category, try replacing coffee with green tea.

Green tea has the same effect as coffee, but is not aggressive on the stomach. Moreover, consuming green tea on an empty stomach allows you to take advantage of all its properties.

Some contraindications

Although green tea offers many benefits, it is not advisable to consume it in excess. The maximum recommended dose is 5 cups a day, as long as you do not drink coffee at all. For each cup of coffee consumed, reduce the number of cups of green tea by 1.

If you suffer from tachycardia or hypertension, do not consume more than 2 cups of green tea a day. Also, do not combine this drink with medication without your doctor’s advice.

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