4 Exercises To Have A Clear Mind In Old Age

Although some of these exercises are a little difficult at first, they are a way to keep your mind active when practiced regularly. Discover their benefits and encourage yourself to practice them.
4 exercises to have a clear mind in old age

Exercises to have a clear mind in old age are important. Over the years, several body functions and processes can be affected, including lucidity and clarity of mind.

So, in addition to adopting habits specific to a healthy lifestyle, such as following a balanced diet and regular exercise, it is also important to train your mind to strengthen its abilities and keep your thoughts in order.

The four exercises below will help you avoid losing your lucidity and mental alertness as you get older.

1. Colored texts for a clear mind in old age

Colorful text for a clear mind in old age

For the first activity we propose you must find such a drawing as the one above. Then say aloud the color in which each word is written. Continue until you reach the end of the image, then repeat the exercise from tail to head.

In this way, you practice both hemispheres of the brain that react to the perception of text and color. It may seem difficult at first, but this exercise helps prevent loss of lucidity and clarity of mind.

At the same time, it offers the following benefits:

  • Helps create new connections between the two cerebral hemispheres.
  • Exercise new skills, such as concentration and shifting attention.

2. Schulte’s table

To practice this exercise, known as Schulte’s table, you need to start by focusing on the number in the middle of the table. But you also have another goal: find the number 1 and continue with the other numbers in ascending order. In the meantime, you need to keep your focus on the number in the center.

To continue the exercise, you can create a new table with randomly ordered numbers. Among the benefits of this exercise are:

  • Including increasing the speed of information processing
  • Development of peripheral vision

3. Fingerprints for a clear mind in old age

In addition to the other two activities above, you can practice a simple exercise with your fingers. Make the sign of peace with your right hand. At the same time, make the OK sign with the fingers of your left hand. Then reverse your hands and repeat several times.

After you have finished the exercise with both hands, you will need to do both exercises simultaneously. This activity:

  • Increases concentration
  • It improves your attention and ability to move quickly from one task to another

4. Practice synchronized writing

Synchronized writing helps you have a clear mind in old age

Practicing synchronized writing is very useful for memory practice and for having a clear mind in old age. For this exercise, you need two pieces of paper and a pen in each hand. For starters, you will need to draw geometric figures with both hands at the same time. 

You can also write letters or words of the same length at the same time. It is important to do these things simultaneously. Otherwise, the exercise will not work. The benefits of this exercise are:

  • It teaches the brain to perform several tasks at the same time
  • It activates both cerebral hemispheres.

Other useful tips to have a clear mind in old age

Train your non-dominant hand

In other words, if you brush your teeth with your right hand, try to do it with your left hand and vice versa. In this way, the brain learns to give other commands and perform other actions than it is used to. 

In addition, you can take a shower or other daily activities with your eyes closed. Change your routine when you go to work, to the store or to other places you frequent to activate your memory.

A proper diet

Exercise is very important to have a clear mind, but it is also important to eat well. After all, diet plays a major role in strengthening memory. There are specific nutrients that help the brain function properly.

Related to this topic, a study published by Harvard Medical School highlights that some foods can improve brain health. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and olive oil. On the other hand, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of red meat.

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