3 Traditional Christmas Dishes Around The World

In various countries, there are different dishes associated with the Christmas period. We will present 3 of them to give you ideas that can be part of your family’s menu!
3 traditional Christmas dishes around the world

Christmas is celebrated differently around the world. There are several traditional Christmas dishes that are typical of each country, which gives this period a number of unique connotations. For this reason, we will present you 3 dishes that you will love!

Despite the fact that it is a holiday where you stay with your loved ones and plenty of food is a priority, it is possible to maintain a healthy diet throughout this time.

3 traditional Christmas dishes around the world

This is one of the most famous traditional Christmas dishes in Japan. The sauces characterize the gastronomy of this country. It is not the healthiest preparation. We must not forget that frying generates trans fatty acids, which have been shown to be harmful to health when consumed in excess. Usually, when we talk about a healthy diet, we say the need to avoid fried foods.

To try the authentic dish, place an American sauce, such as ketchup, next to the fried chicken. In this way, you will enjoy all the flavor of the dish.

If you want to reduce the negative impact of this preparation on the body, you can do it from scratch at home. This way, you can choose the part of chicken you eat and the oil you use.

Traditional Christmas dishes with meat
A typical Christmas recipe in Japan is fried chicken, although it is not a healthy option.

It is typical Thanksgiving, but also Christmas. Baked turkey is a classic of American gastronomy, being cooked at high temperatures, with sauces and fillings.

In this case, the meat is served with peas or mashed potatoes. In addition, it should be noted that the bird is cooked whole and stuffed with vegetables.

It’s a pretty healthy recipe. Provides proteins of high biological value, necessary to guarantee the health of the lean mass. This is demonstrated by a study published in the journal Nutrients. In parallel, the antioxidants present in vegetables are able to neutralize the formation of free radicals.

As a disadvantage we could mention that this dish is sometimes accompanied by french fries, which affects its nutritional value. It is preferable to opt for cooking at low temperatures, as this does not generate trans or toxic fatty acids, such as acrylamide.

Although it is a recipe originating in Italy, it is enjoyed in many western countries. Panettone is characterized by its resemblance to a cake, although it is more spongy and filled with raisins or chocolates.

It may also contain nuts, such as pistachios. They are able to provide healthy fats to a recipe high in sugar and butter. For this reason, eating panettone regularly is not recommended. It is better to keep it for special situations.

Consumption of large amounts of sugar has been shown to affect metabolic health. It may increase insulin resistance and promote the development of type 2 diabetes, which is linked to other chronic and complex diseases.

Bowl with dried fruit
Dried fruits, added to Christmas recipes, provide healthy fats that can compensate for some excess of other types of nutrients.

Prepare traditional Christmas dishes from other countries

It is not a bad idea to vary the recipes according to the menu and to prepare Christmas dishes or desserts from other countries. So, you can give a different note to this time of year, which you will share with family and friends.

Remember that although you are very likely to overeat on certain days, you should not create bad habits because of this holiday. Try to maintain the habits you have cultivated throughout the year. Also, don’t forget to exercise as often as possible.

Finally, enjoy your loved ones as much as possible. Try to share experiences with them and use food as a form of socialization and connection.

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