3 Reasons Why You Wake Up Tired

Do you tend to always wake up tired, even though you have slept for many hours? The fatigue you feel can have many causes. In today’s article, we will present them in detail and explain what you need to do to enjoy more quality sleep.
3 reasons why you wake up tired

If you wake up tired even though you have slept for many hours, you most likely want to identify the reasons why this happens to you. Many factors can cause this unpleasant situation. A very interesting aspect is that insomnia is often not the basis of the problem.

Apparently, you seem to have gotten enough hours of deep sleep. However, you wake up tired regularly without knowing why. It doesn’t matter that you wake up at noon: you feel tired, your mind is slow and you have a negative mood.

But why do you wake up tired? Why can’t you solve the problem by sleeping more? Find out the answers to these questions below!

The main reasons why you wake up tired

A first thing to keep in mind is that man sleeps in cycles. Although we are very adaptable, our body and mind work better when we live our lives through fixed patterns. This has a major impact on fatigue.

For example, suppose you wake up every morning at seven o’clock and go to bed at nine at night. If you change this sleep schedule over the weekend, your body will be confused. In such situations, you risk waking up tired, no matter how many hours of sleep you have enjoyed.

Most people have five cycles of 90 minutes of sleep a night. Each cycle is divided into four stages. If you change your sleep schedule, you may wake up at an inappropriate time before the process is complete.

So why do you wake up tired? Why is sleeping more not a solution? Below we will explain what it is about.

Sleep disorders

Man with open mouth snoring

Sometimes you wake up tired from a sleep disorder. If you frequently have difficulty falling asleep or wake up repeatedly at night, you will most likely feel tired in the morning and throughout the day.

Among the disorders that alter the quality of sleep is sleep apnea. Those affected experience pauses in breathing while sleeping. As a result, they will wake up feeling as if they have not rested at all.

Consumption of certain substances

Some substances, such as alcohol, are a major obstacle when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. The effect is paradoxical: although it initially induces drowsiness, alcohol prevents us from having a deep sleep. Many medications have a similar effect, including sedatives.

And coffee is an enemy of restful sleep. By consuming a cup in the morning, you will feel more awake. But drinking coffee at night will prevent you from getting enough rest. We advise you not to drink coffee less than five hours before bedtime.

Mental problems

Sometimes we wake up tired because of the way our minds work. Before falling asleep, many people are accustomed to reviewing all the worries or decisions they have to make. This habit is very harmful because it generates a “night anxiety” that affects rest.

In general, stress prevents us from sleeping peacefully. The resulting discomfort makes us alert, even when we sleep. Thus, we wake up easier and cannot sleep soundly. In such situations, it is best to learn various relaxation techniques.

Other reasons why you wake up tired

Woman contemplating the different reasons why you feel tired

It is not at all unusual to feel tired when you wake up if you do not practice proper sleep hygiene . For example, excess light, noise or heat adversely affects sleep quality. And negative habits can have a major impact.

Several studies have shown that, when viewed before bed, the screens of electronic devices do not promote rest. It is also not a good idea to serve hearty meals, especially if they are high in sugar.

Poor quality sleep could be a consequence of problems with the gut flora. Such problems affect the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters that support relaxation and restful sleep. If you do not have a healthy microbiota, it will be difficult for you to enjoy a deep sleep.

All the factors mentioned in this article influence the quality of sleep and could be the reason why you wake up tired.

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