3 Natural Soap Recipes To Try At Home

Did you know that you can prepare natural soaps at home according to the needs of your skin? Use the following recipes!
3 natural soap recipes to try at home

Homemade soaps have become quite popular lately. They are prepared only from natural plant extracts and essential oils, in addition to animal or vegetable fats. And they are ideal for care! The properties of each type of soap differ depending on the ingredients used. For example, some natural soap recipes have an energizing effect, and others induce a state of relaxation.

The benefits of natural soap recipes

The main difference between home-made and industrially produced soaps is the ingredients used. The soaps in the store contain many synthetic compounds, like most cosmetics. But this is not the case with those prepared at home from natural ingredients. Here are the benefits of using natural products:

  • They contain glycerin, very good for both skin and hair. Synthetic soaps do not contain this compound, most likely to be sold separately. And the result is known as the final product, which loses some of its properties.
  • They do not contain chemicals, especially those added for the ability to foam or smell and which are most often responsible for allergic reactions and irritations.
  • You can choose what suits you. You can decide for yourself which ingredients to use for your skin-specific problems. There are a multitude of natural soap recipes, each with different medicinal properties.
  • You can be sure of the quality of the ingredients, while protecting the environment from the harmful effects of various pollutants resulting from industrial manufacturing processes.

Natural soap recipes

1. Acne soap

Woman experiencing cystic acne

If you are looking for ingredients to fight acne, consider the following substances:

  • Clay
  • Thyme
  • Turmeric
  • Sulfur bio
  • rosehip

Here are the steps you need to take to produce thyme anti-acne soap:


  • Dye
  • Dry thyme
  • Thermometer
  • Olive oil
  • Caustic soda
  • Coconut oil
  • Rectangular mold
  • Soap knife
  • Demineralized water
  • Almond oil
  • Thyme essential oil
  • Gloves, goggles, face mask.

Method of preparation

  • Mix water and caustic soda in a heavy bowl. Keep in mind that the mixture will be subjected to very high temperatures, so mix slowly without splashing. It is good to cover your skin during cooking.
  • Heat the oils separately in a pot until they reach 40 ° C (100 ° F).
  • Mix the two solutions as soon as the temperature reaches 40-50 ° C (100-120 ° F). First mix the oils, then add soda and water, stirring constantly for a few minutes.
  • Add thyme oil and dye (optional).
  • Pour the mixture into the mold and decorate with dry thyme. Cover until completely cooled, ie 1-3 days.
  • Remove the mold, cut to the desired size and store the soap for a month or 40 days to complete the saponification process.

2. Soap with olive oil

Natural soap recipes with olive oil

Did you know that olive oil can be used to make soap? It helps the skin retain water and the natural fats that give it balance. It will fight more easily against pathogenic microorganisms from the outside environment.


  • 1 liter of virgin olive oil
  • 300 ml of water (1 cup and a half)
  • 125 g of caustic soda (half a cup)

Method of preparation

  • Gradually add caustic soda to the water and mix, as in the recipe above. Be very careful not to scald, because the mixture will heat up quite hard.
  • Heat the oil in a pan until it reaches a temperature similar to the one in the first recipe (it should not be very hot).
  • Mix the two solutions carefully, preferably with a whisk.
  • Keep on low heat and stir for about 30 minutes. When the mixture thickens, turn off the heat.
  • Stir in the cold until the solution becomes a paste. You can add, if you want, herbs or essential oils.
  • Pour into the mold. After it has cooled, wait for the saponification process to be completed before using the soap.

3. Natural soap with green tea

Natural soap recipes with green tea extract

In addition to its many benefits, green tea can also be used as an ingredient in natural soap recipes. What properties does it have? It is particularly moisturizing and full of antioxidants.


  • 450 g coconut oil (3 and a half cups)
  • 80 g olive oil (8 tablespoons)
  • 500 g shea butter (2 and a half cups)
  • 125 g caustic soda (half a cup)
  • 320 ml demineralized water (1 cup and a half)
  • 30 g green tea oil or tea tree oil (3 tbsp)
  • 10 g green tea powder (1 tbsp)
  • green tea flavor (according to preference)
  • containers

Method of preparation

  • As with other natural soap recipes, pour the soda into the water and stir.
  • While the solution cools, melt the shea butter and coconut butter in a pan. When liquefied, add the olive oil and turn off the heat.
  • Set aside 30 g of green tea oil and 10 g of green tea powder, which you will use at the end of the recipe.
  • Pour the oil into a large bowl and mix it with water and caustic soda when both liquids reach room temperature. Stir gently with a whisk.
  • When the composition becomes the consistency of a paste, pour the oil and green tea powder and do not forget to stir continuously. You can also add scented essence according to your preferences.
  • Pour into the mold and sprinkle with green tea powder. Leave the soap to harden for 24 hours.
  • Cut to the desired size and leave it to saponify for 4 weeks.

It is important to note that the work space must be very well ventilated, as the combination of acids can have serious effects on health if the room is not well ventilated.

If you follow the safety recommendations, these natural soap recipes are easy to prepare. In just a few minutes you can make your own the perfect soap for a velvety and smooth skin.

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