3 Information About Passive-aggressive Personality

If there is a passive-aggressive person in our social environment, we must try to be by his side. Instead of distancing ourselves from her, it would be better to help her find a solution to the frustration within her.
3 information about passive-aggressive personality

Being “passive-aggressive” means suffering from a personality disorder. Find out below some information about the passive-aggressive personality.

The main traits of the people to whom this label applies are constant stubbornness, defiance of the expectations of others and negative or defeatist attitudes.

Living with a passive-aggressive person is complicated and exhausting. As with other personality disorders, some patients have fewer characteristics of passive-aggression, while others have them all.

The ability of passive-aggressive individuals to manipulate their peers is so dynamic that relationships with them are always marked by suffering and unhappiness.

Maybe you live with such a person. Maybe even a family member or co-worker has this disorder.

If you suspect that there is a passive-aggressive person in your life, it is good to know that you can resort to various coping strategies. At the same time, the discomfort caused by passive-aggression can be reduced with the help of psychotherapy.

In today’s article we aim to present 3 pieces of information about the passive-aggressive personality that are worth remembering.

The 3 most important information about the passive-aggressive personality

1. What are the passive-aggressive personality traits?

Traits and information about the passive-aggressive personality

One thing must be clear: not all passive-aggressive people exhibit the behaviors below. A common trait in people with this type of personality is the ability to “sweeten” their hostility.

In other words, passive-aggressive individuals can hurt us in a way that gives the impression that they actually want the best for us. In reality, however, the basis of their actions is a desire to humiliate, control or ridicule.

The basic characteristics of the passive-aggressive personality are:

  • A passion to criticize others. For passive-aggressive people, no one and nothing is immune to criticism.
  • When we really know them, we realize that they seem to be constantly unhappy or upset for one reason or another.
  • If they want something from us, passive-aggressive people will not hesitate to be tender, caring and warm.
  • These individuals forget various things intentionally so that they do not have to take responsibility.
  • This type of personality involves a lot of cynicism.
  • Passive-aggressive people have an exceptional ability to always blame others for their mistakes.
  • In general, they take on the role of victim. They complain that they are not appreciated, respected, happy, etc. enough.
  • I hate those in positions of authority.
  • Ignore the suggestions of others.

2. What is behind this type of personality?

Information about passive-aggressive personality in women

When it comes to passive-aggressive people, you’re probably wondering, “Why do they behave like this if, in the long run, they only get a lot of frustration and dysfunctional relationships?” Here is the explanation:

  • In general, passive-aggressive people grow up in families where the condition is not adequately expressed.
  • They were not taught how to channel or express their anger.
  • They have low self-esteem.
  • Gradually, passive-aggressive people notice that if they control others and take on an authoritarian role, their flaws will be masked.
  • At one point, they noticed that kindness can also help them get what they want.
  • I don’t know how to manage negative emotions.
  • For this reason, their anger intensifies, along with the feeling that the world is full of injustices and that no one understands them.

3. How to treat a passive-aggressive person

Information about the passive-aggressive personality that needs help

Most likely, your first reaction when dealing with a passive-aggressive person is to want to run away. But it is not good to do this for several reasons. After all, just because something — or someone — seems complicated doesn’t mean we can’t handle it.

Be understanding

  • The first step you need to take is to BE UNDERSTANDING. Understanding the basics of this disorder will be very helpful.
  • Second, do not allow the passive-aggressive individual to control you. The consequences of his actions must be clear to him. Don’t be persuaded to do something you don’t like or find illogical.
  • Last but not least, one of the most important information about the passive-aggressive personality is that it “feeds” on low self-esteem. Therefore, those affected are afraid that they will be abandoned.

He doesn’t like them

Be assertive, reasonable, and suggest ways they can change their behavior.

  • “If you talk to me cynically, I can’t trust you. Respect me. ”
  • “If you continue to be so negative, you will only become a prisoner of your fears.”
  • “Instead of always criticizing me and noticing my flaws, prove to me that you are able to see something good in me.”

Advise her to seek the help of a specialist

The passive-aggressive person suffers from a serious inferiority complex. Basically, she manages her emotions in an immature way and has a very low self-esteem.

No one is able to be truly sociable and happy if he has such flaws and limitations. Thus, those affected must have the courage and seek the help of a specialist. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy can be very helpful.

Another piece of information about the passive-aggressive personality that deserves to be retained is the fact that the affected individuals are not “sick”. These are simply people who, behind an armor of cynicism and manipulative behavior, hide a fragile soul longing for help.

Remember the 3 information about passive-aggressive personality presented in this article and  try to help the passive-aggressive people in your life make the right decisions so that they can enjoy life. Encourage them to recover through psychotherapy.

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