3 Healthy Recipes For A Quick Dinner

Is it possible to eat a delicious but also healthy meal after a hard day’s work? Sure you do. And it doesn’t take long. 
3 healthy recipes for a quick dinner

Whether we are tired or in a hurry, at dinner we tend to eat foods that are low in nutrients and high in calories. To avoid this situation, we present below 3 healthy recipes for a quick, filling and nutritious dinner.

Healthy recipes for a quick dinner

1. Put the vegetables in the pan

Healthy recipes for a quick dinner with chicken and vegetables

The preparation below is quick, easy and convenient, being one of the most indicated healthy recipes for a quick dinner. If you want, you can change the recipe, using any type of meat or vegetables you want.

At the same time, you can opt for a vegetarian version, with pieces of tofu, for example. In addition, you can add sunflower or sesame seeds to provide extra nutrients and a pleasant, crunchy texture.


  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 chopped onions
  • 1 cup brown rice (200 g)
  • 1 cup chicken breast pieces (250 g)
  • 2 carrots (cut into thin strips)
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce (60 g)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (30 g)
  • 1 yellow pepper (cut into strips)
  • 1 red pepper (cut into strips)
  • Broccoli or cauliflower (as much as you want)
  • Sunflower and sesame seeds (as much as you want)

Method of preparation

  • In a large skillet (or wok), place the olive oil and allow to warm.
  • Add the garlic, onion and peppers and let them fry lightly for two minutes. Add the chicken and let it “catch” (until it gets a white layer).
  • Add broccoli, carrots and soy sauce. Let them fry over medium heat for a few minutes, until the vegetables are soft.
  • In another saucepan, cook the brown rice in enough water and a little olive oil.

How to serve this dish depends on the taste of each person. You can mix the rice with the vegetable mixture, sprinkling the seeds on top. You can also serve them separately, using rice as a garnish.

2. Whole wheat pasta with pesto and cherry tomatoes

Healthy recipes for a quick dinner with wholemeal pasta

In recent years, pasta has gained a bad reputation, being placed in the category of fattening carbohydrates. Although it is true that we must limit the consumption of flour and starches, we should not exaggerate. In fact, carbohydrates are an essential source of energy for the body. 

For one of the simplest healthy recipes for a light dinner, we will use whole wheat pasta. They contain fiber that facilitates digestion.


  • 75 g of wholemeal pasta per person
  • Cherry tomatoes, as many as you want (you can also use plain or dried tomatoes)
  • For the pesto sauce: 
  • Walnuts or almonds (5 – 7 pieces)
  • Fresh basil (10 – 15 leaves)
  • Lemon juice (1 teaspoon)
  • Olive oil (4 tablespoons)
  • Garlic (½ puppy)
  • Salt to taste.

Method of preparation

In the following, we show you how to prepare pesto sauce at home, but if you want, you can already buy it prepared from the store. Put all the sauce ingredients in a bowl and mix with a hand blender. Set the mixture aside.

Heat water in a saucepan and add the pasta. Wash the cherry tomatoes well (or any other assortment you have chosen) and let them dry.

When the pasta is almost cooked, quickly sauté the tomatoes over high heat in olive oil  in a pan or saucepan.

Strain the pasta, put them over the tomatoes, let them sit for a while, then add the pesto sauce. Immediately close the stove (so that the sauce does not burn) and serve the grated cheese on top.

3. Salmon fillets with lemon

Salmon as an ingredient in healthy recipes for a quick dinner

This is one of the tastiest, most practical and good-looking healthy recipes for a quick dinner. Make salmon fillets with lemon when you have guests or when you want to pamper yourself.


  • Lemon peel
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 or 2 salmon fillets per person
  • Half a lemon juice (for each fillet)
  • Garnish of your choice (mashed potatoes or pumpkin, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, salad, etc.).

Method of preparation

  • First, make sure the salmon has no bones.
  • Cut a rectangular piece of aluminum foil for each tab.
  • Cover a baking tray with aluminum foil and place the fillets on top.
  • Season the salmon with salt and pepper to taste. Squeeze half a lemon over each fillet.
  • Put the tray in the oven and let the fish cook at 180 ° C.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the chosen garnish.
  • Before serving, put a little grated lemon peel on each fillet to give it a pleasant aroma.

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