2 Diets That Speed Up Metabolism And Help Lose Weight

If you want to speed up your metabolism, adopt a low-fat diet and exercise regularly. This way you will get the best results. 
2 diets that speed up metabolism and help lose weight

To lose weight healthily, it is necessary to opt for diets that speed up metabolism. Metabolism includes several chemical processes by which nutrients are transformed into energy sources, ensuring the proper functioning of the body.

The rate at which metabolism works differs from person to person, depending on age and lifestyle. While some people do not experience difficulties, others need to look for solutions to “speed it up” and prevent it from affecting their health and body weight.

Fortunately, there are many diets today that speed up the metabolism. Some are extremely strict, but others are healthy and balanced, giving extraordinary results.

In this article we offer you two wonderful examples of weekly diets that you can try to get the desired figure with the help of a fast metabolism.

Low fat diet to speed up metabolism

Diets that accelerate low-fat metabolism

Low fat consumption is a key element in combating obesity. Although it is not advisable to eliminate all sources of fat from the diet, reducing your intake offers many benefits when it comes to losing weight.

A low-fat diet significantly reduces the number of calories ingested. Thus, in combination with proper physical training, this diet helps to eliminate extra pounds.

Breakfast options

  • Three almonds, a glass of orange juice (200 ml) and a slice of wholemeal bread.
  • A slice of wholemeal bread with fresh tomatoes, a cup of tea (250 ml) and a boiled egg.
  • A bowl with pieces of fresh fruit and a glass of oatmeal with skim or vegetable milk (200 ml).

Snack between breakfast and lunch

  • A slice of wholemeal bread with ham or turkey.
  • A smoothie with red fruits or green vegetables.
  • A portion of dietary gelatin.
Diets that speed up fruit-based metabolism

Lunch options

  • A bowl of vegetable soup, a portion of chicken or fish (100 g) and steamed vegetables.
  • A fresh tomato salad and lettuce, a portion of chicken breast (150 g) and an apple or pear.
  • A lettuce, a small portion of brown rice (50 g) and baked fish.

Afternoon snack

  • Green vegetable smoothie with chia seeds.
  • Wholemeal toast with natural avocado sauce and a cup of tea.
  • A glass of vegetable milk (200 ml) with whole wheat bread and a slice of turkey.

Dinner options

  • An omelet with lettuce and tomatoes.
  • Baked vegetables and a portion of grilled breast (150 g).
  • A bowl of vegetable cream.

Healthy diet that speeds up metabolism and helps to lose weight

You can follow this detox diet once a month to “stimulate” your metabolism when you fail to lose weight. However, it is not recommended to extend it for a longer period than mentioned.

Salad as part of a diet that speeds up metabolism

Breakfast options

  • A bowl of sliced ​​watermelon, a boiled egg and a slice of wholemeal bread.
  • A cup of tea (250 ml) and a sandwich with wholemeal bread and fresh tomatoes.
  • A glass of green smoothie (200 ml) and two slices of wholemeal bread with olive oil.

Snack between breakfast and lunch

  • A glass of oatmeal with vegetable milk (200 ml) and a handful of nuts (30 g).
  • An avocado tortilla cut.
  • A glass of pineapple juice (200 ml).


  • A lettuce and a portion of grilled chicken breast (150 g).
  • A portion of tuna salad with avocado.
  • A portion of grilled salmon (100 g) with salad.

Afternoon snack

  • Carrots and celery.
  • A serving of nuts with a tablespoon of honey (30 g).
  • A glass of smoothie with parsley and green apples (200 ml).

Dinner options

  • A glass of pineapple juice (200 ml) with a portion of baked chicken breast (100 g).
  • A bowl of fat-free vegetable soup.
  • A slice of salmon with lemon (150 g) and a fresh salad.

Final recommendations on the two diets that speed up metabolism

  • To have a good metabolism, it is important to change your eating habits. It is not enough to keep a cure for a week or two: you must adopt a balanced diet for an indefinite period. 
  • The effects of a healthy diet should be supported by proper physical training. If you want to lose weight, it is advisable to combine cardiovascular and strength exercises.
  • In addition, it is recommended to serve five or six meals a day in a quiet cardoon. The elements that distract you generate anxiety in the hours following the meal.

Do you want to try these diets that speed up your metabolism? The above examples follow the principles of a healthy diet. If you want, you can make some changes, but be careful not to exceed the recommended number of calories.

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