11 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes And Methods Of Use

In addition to repelling mosquitoes, these plants give the home a splash of color and a pleasant scent.
11 plants that repel mosquitoes and methods of use

Mosquitoes are very dangerous because they can transmit serious diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and dengue, among others. Fortunately, we have various natural solutions that repel mosquitoes and can give the home a touch of color and freshness, as well as a pleasant scent. Want to know what it’s about?

Mosquito bites are very unpleasant, because they cause small swellings, but also an allergic reaction that can last for hours.

Mosquitoes usually breed near stagnant water and in unhealthy environments around our homes. For this reason, it is important to take all necessary hygiene measures and always have a mosquito repellent at hand to keep these dangerous insects at bay.

There are several ways to repel mosquitoes, including commercially available repellents, but we do not recommend using them because they contain chemicals that can be harmful to both your health and the environment.

1. Drive away the mosquitoes with garlic

Garlic keeps mosquitoes away

The strong smell of garlic is due to the sulfur compounds in its composition. This is an excellent solution to drive away mosquitoes and keep them as far away from your home as possible.


  • Crush a clove of garlic and place it in the areas where insects enter.

2. Cinnamon

The aroma of this spice is very delicious, but mosquitoes can’t stand it.


  • Add a little cinnamon in hot water and place the dish near the living room.

3. Basil

Basil prevents mosquitoes from entering the house

If you keep this plant near the door, you will prevent many insects from entering the house. The smell of basil displeases them enormously, and mosquitoes do not approach it.


  • Place a small pot of basil near the door or in the corners of the room.
  • You can also put dried leaves of this plant in various places in the room to remove insects.

4. Thyme

Thyme seeds are very useful to repel mosquitoes, but also beetles that invade our homes and gardens.


  • Burn a few thyme seeds and let the scent spread throughout the house.

5. Mint

Mint keeps mosquitoes at bay

The refreshing aroma of this plant is not at all to the liking of mosquitoes. Thanks to this benefit, you can use it to protect your skin from their stings and to prevent them from roaming your home.


  • Plant mint in your garden. Keep a pot in the kitchen as well.
  • Put dried mint leaves in smaller spaces, such as bedrooms.

6. Cloves

Smoke from burning cloves is one of the best natural repellents. 


  • Put a few cloves on a saucer and burn them to release their intense flavor.
  • Tie some cloves with a thread and place the bundle next to the main door.

7. Rosemary

For centuries, people have used both rosemary leaves and essential oil for medical and household purposes.


  • To protect your skin from mosquito bites, apply a little essential oil on exposed areas.
  • If you want to keep mosquitoes away from home, burn a few dried leaves or make a concentrated rosemary tea.

8. Lemongrass

Citronella drives away mosquitoes

This plant is known for its pleasant lemon scent that many insects do not like.


  • Put a few strands of citronella in the corners of the rooms where mosquitoes enter.
  • You can also make a tea from the leaves of this plant, its scent spreading throughout the house.

9. Black pepper

This strong and spicy spice prevents mosquitoes from entering your home.


  • Crush a few black peppercorns and place them in several corners of the rooms.

10. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus leaves repel mosquitoes

The smell of eucalyptus leaves immediately repels mosquitoes and other annoying insects.


  • Burn a few eucalyptus leaves and let the smoke spread throughout the house.
  • If you prefer, you can boil a few leaves in a saucepan, as steam can keep insects away.

11. Bay leaves

The delicate aroma of bay leaves is very pleasant for humans, but mosquitoes and other insects hate it. To capitalize on its repellent properties, try the following trick:


  • Crush a few bay leaves and sprinkle the pieces in the areas where the insects usually gather.

Now that you have found out what natural solutions you can use to repel mosquitoes, do not hesitate to use them to avoid dangerous and annoying insects. 

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