10 Tricks To Keep Your House Clean

Maintaining order and cleanliness in the home requires a lot of effort, especially if you do not have much time. Here are 10 tricks that will help you successfully complete this difficult mission. 
10 tricks to keep your house clean

Although we would always like to have an immaculate home, the fast pace of daily life does not allow us to invest too much time in this direction, at least not every day of the week. Fortunately, there are several tricks to keep your home clean with minimal effort. Discover them in the following lines.

Tricks to keep your house clean

1. Establish a daily schedule

Just like a well-established workout for the gym, for example, it is necessary to create a daily schedule with household chores. Simply and quickly, you will be able to keep everything in place.

Make a list of all the household chores you need to do, such as washing, sweeping, moping, cleaning the tub, arranging clothes in the closet, and so on.

Once you’ve made the list, divide the tasks into seven categories, depending on their difficulty or the time it takes.


  • Monday: Washing the windows.
  • Tuesday: Sweeped and moped.
  • Wednesday: Washing.
  • Thursday: Ordering the closet.
  • Friday: Cleaning in the kitchen.
  • Saturday: Changed bed linen.
  • Sunday: Cleaning in the bathroom.

A simple program like the one described above will make your work easier and help you keep your house in perfect order. In addition, with its help you will reduce working hours in the household on weekends or other days off.

2. Don’t take more things than you need

The need for tricks to keep your house clean by following a schedule

Of course, certain objects are absolutely indispensable. But when you go shopping and want to take something home with you, such as a table, a lamp, or a decorative item, ask yourself: do I really need this item? Will he make my life any easier?  If the answer is no and you doubt the usefulness of that article, do not buy it.

Remember: the more things you have in the house, the harder it is for you to maintain order and cleanliness.

3. Use hooks

If you are used to leaving your keys, umbrella, bag, wallet or other objects wherever you find them, put hangers or hooks on the wall in strategic places in the house. For example, you can put them in the living room, in the bedroom or, if you have children, in their rooms.

This way you can organize various objects that you throw around the house during the day.

4. Make your bed before you leave home

Tricks to keep your house clean like making a bed

There is nothing more relaxing than finding the bed made and arranged after a hard day’s work. This way you also keep your room tidy.

5. Wash dishes after each meal

Without wasting water, it is advisable to wash the dishes every time you use them. After a long and tiring day, coming home and finding your sink full of dirty plates and food scraps is very unpleasant.

Each family member can wash the dishes used during the meal. This way you will keep the kitchen clean without too much effort.

At the same time, while cooking, wash the utensils used along the way so as not to gather a pile of dishes at the end.

6. Keep your clothes tidy

Tricks to keep your house clean like tidying up your clothes

Even if you only have a few pairs of socks or shirts thrown around the house, you will still look like the most messy person in the world.

Keep two baskets for dirty and clean clothes. Thus, when you do not have the time or energy to wash or fold them, you can put the clothes in one simple place, and the room will not look messy.

7. Clean the washing machine

Even if you don’t pay too much attention to this appliance, cleaning the washing machine with water and waste accumulated inside it cannot be missing from the list of tricks to keep your house clean.

To prevent the development of mold and mildew, leave the washing machine open after each washing cycle. In this way the moisture will evaporate.

8. Keep your pet clean

Tricks to keep your house clean like washing your pet

Whether you have a dog, a cat, a parrot or any other pet, be sure to keep it clean. In this way you can prevent dirt from cabinets or beds, infestation of the house with parasites and unpleasant odors.

9. Put everything in its place

You will save a lot of time if you get used to putting everything in its place. This is one of the best tricks to keep your home clean and tidy.

10. Clean stains immediately

Cleaning stains on the list of tricks to keep your house clean

If you spill milk or any other liquid on the stove, floor, bedside table or table, wipe it off immediately with a cloth! After it dries, the stain will be harder to clean.

Do not hesitate to put these tricks into practice to keep your house clean. Your home will look much better, and this will also have a positive effect on your mood. Stress is reduced if you live in a pleasant space.

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