10 Foods Recommended For People With Anxiety

Did you know that due to the nutrients in their composition, certain foods can help you control your anxiety and depression?
10 foods recommended for people with anxiety

There are various foods recommended for people with anxiety. These products can be included in the diet to strengthen the nervous system and prevent problems such as anxiety, irritability and depression.

Read on to discover the benefits of green leafy vegetables, lignified nuts, sunflower seeds, brewer’s yeast, basil and other foods recommended for people with anxiety.

Fighting anxiety

Foods recommended for people with anxiety and depression

Although we have the impression that anxious people have no way to change, personality is not the only factor that influences the nervous system.

Some nutrients, such as the B vitamin complex, magnesium and phosphorus, can help us balance our nervous system naturally and gradually.

1. Green leafy vegetables

Smoothie prepared with foods recommended for people with anxiety

The greener and darker the leaves of vegetables, the more beneficial they are for the nervous system. Green pigmentation indicates the presence of a wide range of nutrients.

We have two ways to eat green leafy vegetables:

  • As a side dish to every lunch and dinner. For example, you can serve a salad prepared with lettuce, arugula, watercress, chicory and more.
  • In the form of green smoothies served for breakfast or as a snack. Prepare these drinks with green leafy vegetables and fruits (bananas, strawberries, pineapple, papaya).

2. Oats

Oats are a very nutritious cereal, rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber. It has a beneficial impact on the nervous system in two ways:

  • It has a revitalizing effect and increases energy levels
  • It relieves nervous problems such as anxiety and irritability.

You can include oatmeal in granola, shakes, soups, stews and various types of drinks.

3. Brewer’s yeast, on the list of foods recommended for people with anxiety

Foods recommended for people with anxiety included in drinks

Brewer’s yeast is an ideal supplement for anxious people. It has a significant content of B vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium and zinc.

  • In addition to combating stress and anxiety, brewer’s yeast is also an ideal remedy for problems associated with skin, hair and nails.
  • You can consume a tablespoon (10 g) of brewer’s yeast a day. Combine it with juices, yogurt and any other type of food.

4. The basil

Basil is a natural anxiolytic, which can relieve all the symptoms of anxiety that affect the stomach, including pain and indigestion.

You can consume it raw, include it in infusions, sauces and vinaigrettes, apply the essential oil on the skin or use it in relaxing baths.

5. Walnuts

Walnuts included in the list of foods recommended for people with anxiety

Walnuts are a type of fruit with a lignified shell with antidepressant properties.

  • Their content of essential fatty acids stimulates the production of serotonin, a powerful neurotransmitter that provides a feeling of well-being and relieves anxiety and depression.
  • Walnuts also contain the B vitamin complex, which strengthens the nervous system.

We advise you to eat a handful of raw or fried nuts a day.

6. Bananas

Banana is a delicious fruit, rich in carbohydrates that provides a lot of energy. At the same time, it has a significant content of potassium and vitamin B, two nutrients very beneficial for the nervous system.

  • Due to their “portability”, bananas can be transported anywhere.
  • Include them in shakes or bake them to enjoy their sweet flavor.

7. Lemons

Foods recommended for anxious people containing citric acid

There are many citrus fruits that can help us improve our mood naturally, giving us a large number of nutrients. We want to highlight the lemons, which are one of the most citrus medicinal.

8. Lentils

Lentils have a beneficial impact on the nervous system due to its content of magnesium and vitamin B. In addition, this vegetable is an excellent source of protein and vegetable fiber.

If you don’t like lentil soups, you can include this ingredient in burgers. This is a very delicious, unique and healthy way to consume lentils.

9. Red pepper, one of the most effective foods recommended for people with anxiety

Foods recommended for people with anxiety that are spicy

Red pepper is a spicy spice with surprising health properties, including relieving anxiety and fighting insomnia.

At first, consume it in very small quantities, so that your stomach gradually gets used to its hot aroma.

10. Lawyer

Avocado is an incredible and delicious fruit. With a wide range of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, this superfood can treat many deficiencies. In addition, avocado has a significant content of protein, fat and fiber.

Feel free to include it in milkshakes, salads, snacks, soups and side dishes.

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